I’ve always been a summer girl. Swimming in the ocean, late-night campfires, loud music and new places to explore. Summer stole my heart when I was young, and I’m okay with that.
A couple years ago I realized that I have approximately 700 days of summer with my kids before they graduate. I realized that I needed to start living up EVERY SINGLE DAY of summer, as before I knew it our journeys would be over and they’d be off on their own adventures. And so started my 700 days of summer project!
Our “Summer 700” goal is simple, live every day of summer to the fullest. Say yes to adventure at every opportunity. Stay up late. Be silly. Jump in the lake. Have fun.
How can you have the best summer with your kids?
Enjoying sleepovers as much as possible –
Invite the kids into your room for a sleepover. Let them sleep over in each other’s rooms. Put up tent or let them build a fort. (Be a hero and show up with foamies and hand over the sheets!)
Say yes to every adventure –
Whether it’s a hot dog roast at Derby Reach, a hike on the Houston trail, a visit to the Fort, make adventures the priority.
Get messy! –

Summer is the perfect opportunity to let the kids go crazy outside and get creative. Build volcanos, paper mache pinatas, DIY science experiments. Heck, you might even sneak in some educational opportunities too!
Stay in bed –

Enjoy morning cuddles as much as possible. Build a fort, have a pillow fight, let them bring you breakfast in bed, or don’t have breakfast until noon. Why not? Get busy making memories.
Go Swimming –

My kids ALWAYS ask me to get in the pool, and so many times I want to just watch them play and suntan. This summer I tried hard to say yes as many times as I could and I always had more fun than relaxing in the sun!
Carry your kids –

My kids are heavy, but every chance I get I give them piggy back rides, or throw them up on my shoulders. Soon they will be too big to carry and I’ll have wished I said yes to their request for “one more piggyback ride”.
Get off your phone –

If you know me well, you know that I’m very plugged in because of work; however, especially during the summer, I try hard to schedule myself offline. This means doing my work in the morning and then leaving the phone off and away for hours at a time. I have to forcefully schedule this, otherwise inevitably I end up back on my phone with my kids asking for attention.
Ask different questions –
Road trips, long hikes and sleeping in tents are great opportunities to talk. Talk as long as you want about whatever you want. You’ll learn a lot and so will your kids. It’s amazing how many times our conversations are cut short because of “life”. Ask questions, different questions, and sit back and learn.
Have a “Yes” Day –

Whenever your kids ask a question answer with the word “YES”. See how long it takes them to figure it out, and see where they take it. Ice cream for breakfast? Yes! Can we go to the park? Yes! It’s interesting what they think of, and it’s often simple things that make them happy.
Live with no regrets –

Go hiking. Stay up late. Go to the play, the park, the campground, visit the friend you’ve been meaning to see. Watch for animals and pretend how to be one. Read good books. Hug. Snuggle. Laugh. Look back on Summer 2017 as one you’ll never forget.
Looking to plan an awesome summer? Here are 4 articles to get you started:
“Wow, what an inspiring read! I love the idea of embracing endless summer and finding joy in those long, sun-filled days. Your adventures and reflections make it feel like summer can truly be a lifestyle, not just a season. The way you capture the beauty of each day and the memories made along the way is so motivating! I’m definitely going to try to incorporate more of that ‘summer state of mind’ into my everyday life. Thanks for sharing such a refreshing perspective!”